Five Ways to Deliver your Wedding Speech…

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    It is all very well writing a great wedding speech that covers everybody and everything; however, when it comes to delivering your wedding speech, it is completely a different challenge. The delivery of your wedding speech is what will make it a great wedding speech or an ordinary wedding speech.

    As you practice and prepare to deliver your wedding speech, there are five ways you can do this:

    1. Have your wedding speech notes in front of you on the table
    2. Hold your wedding speech notes in your hand
    3. Put your wedding speech notes on to a full length podium
    4. Put your wedding speech notes on to a table podium
    5. Use no wedding speech notes at all

    Have your wedding speech notes in front of you on the table

    • This is the most common way of delivering your wedding speech. Every word you are going to say is in front of you and you just simply have to read it out, speaking from the heart

    Hold your wedding speech notes in your hand

    • Again, as per the above i.e., having your wedding speech in front of you, but this time you are holding the wedding speech page(s) in your hand, close to your eyes. Just be careful not to hide behind the paper

    Put your wedding speech notes on to a full length podium

    • This is another way of delivering your wedding speech; however, it is formal and seems like that you are delivering a business presentation; like at a conference, all a bit too formal and can disconnect you from the audience i.e., you are hiding behind it

    Put your wedding speech notes on to a table podium

    • Similar to the above, but the podium now sits on the table in front of you, like a minimum podium. Again, it is formal; however, you are not as much disconnected from the audience, as they can see more of you

    Use no wedding speech notes at all

    • This is totally acceptable for short wedding speeches; however, for long wedding speeches, you should have some form of notes in front of you, so as to avoid saying, ‘Oh, I forgot to mention!’ after you sit down



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