Five Things to Focus on When Delivering your Speech

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    You’ve put in the time and effort to plan, structure, and write your wedding speech content. As the wedding day draws near, you may find yourself feeling a bit anxious about the delivery. What should you focus on when delivering your wedding speech? This is perhaps the most crucial question you should ask yourself because understanding these focal points will not only enhance your confidence but also ensure an enjoyable and memorable delivery.

    Here are five key areas to focus on when delivering your wedding speech:


    The adage “practice makes perfect” holds true. Set aside dedicated time to rehearse your wedding speech delivery. Practice in front of a mirror or consider recording yourself to review later. Mimic the actual wedding environment as much as possible, even rehearsing at the venue itself. Diligent practice is essential for delivering a polished wedding speech. We also covered this topic in our blog ‘How to Practise your Wedding Speech‘, if you’d like to read more.

    Speak from the heart

    Authenticity is key to connecting with your audience. Speak sincerely, believing in every word you say. Your wedding guests crave genuineness and will respond positively to your authenticity. When you speak from the heart, your message resonates more profoundly, resulting in a more impactful wedding speech.

    Add the music

    Just as news reporters infuse enthusiasm and energy into their delivery, aim to captivate your wedding guests with dynamic vocal modulation. Vary your tone, volume, and pace to keep listeners engaged. Practice emphasising certain words while softening others. This musicality in your wedding speech adds depth and intrigue, holding your audience’s attention throughout.


    A simple yet powerful tool, smiling can significantly enhance your wedding speech delivery. It fosters likability, establishes rapport, and puts both you and your wedding guests at ease. Don’t underestimate the impact of a genuine smile—it can transform your delivery, making it more engaging and enjoyable for everyone involved.


    Controlled breathing is essential for maintaining composure and clarity during your wedding speech. Practice mindful breathing techniques to calm nerves and regulate your voice. Take deliberate breaths before and during your speech to maintain a steady pace and delivery. Remember, authenticity is key—stay true to yourself, and your wedding guests will feel connected and inspired by your words.

    In conclusion, while delivering your wedding speech, focus on these key elements to ensure a memorable and impactful presentation. Your wedding guests will not only remember what you say but also how you make them feel. So, speak from the heart, infuse passion into your delivery, and leave a lasting impression on your wedding guests.

    In conclusion, while delivering your wedding speech, focus on these key elements to ensure a memorable and impactful presentation. Your wedding guests will not only remember what you say but also how you make them feel. So, speak from the heart, infuse passion into your delivery, and leave a lasting impression on your wedding guests.

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